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IT Solutions
for Your Industry

Manufacturing & Distribution

The manufacturing and distribution industry is a characterized by global connectivity and complexity.  Even smaller organizations must navigate suppliers, logistics and regulations from different parts of the world.  Technology permeates all aspects of organizations and leaders are constantly searching for ways to drive innovation in how they design, produce and/or deliver.  While challenging, there are enormous opportunities for leaders that are able to see more deeply into the changing landscape and beyond short-term challenges to position themselves for long-term success. 

Banking & Financial Services

Disruptive technologies, evolving customer loyalty, and pressure to enhance economic returns, define just some of the challenges financial services organizations need to overcome by innovating and managing risks in order to succeed over the next decade.  The dynamic regulatory landscape and increased emphasis on cost reduction only adds to the complexity of financial services organizations achieving profitable growth. 

Education & Non-Profit

Education is a complex arena composed of many different components. Colleges and universities must offer a variety of services in addition to providing ongoing learning and research activities. The supporting activities include housing, dining, transportation, safety and security, retail operations and healthcare, along with many others. In some cases, the services are provided directly by university personnel and in others an outside vendor is contracted to deliver a specific service. In any case, the demands placed upon the administration are significant. Educational institutions have many stakeholders with a strong interest in making certain that quality services are delivered at a reasonable cost.

Energy & Utilities

Energy and utilities companies are experiencing an intense period volatility and transformation.  From the emergence of consumers becoming producers through distributed energy networks, to fluctuations in oil and natural gas prices, to changing regulatory demands globally, leaders in this segment face significant challenges and uncertainty.  In this uncertainty, there are enormous opportunities for organizations that are able to see more deeply into changing markets and beyond short-term challenges to position themselves for long-term success. 


Healthcare and life sciences companies continue to innovate ways to increase the length and quality of life for people around the world. These innovations come with a cost, and regardless of if a system is private or publicly funded, there are significant opportunities to increase efficiency and better tie investments to outcomes. In the United States, the focus is on the Triple Aim of Healthcare - revolutionizing the quality of patient care, population health outcomes, and stemming the rising tide of medical costs. 

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